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On Hands And Knees

2016-12-04-14-49-54-2-fb-12-5-16Working in the winter cold, Dr. Robin and Dr. Melissa and The Pongo Fund hit the street a few days ago with our Mobile Veterinary Team, going straight to where the need was greatest. We crawled on hands and knees to provide full veterinary care for some of the sweetest animals you’ve ever met. There were 14 year-old greyhounds and 15 year-old pit bulls and 16 year-old Chihuahuas. We made so many great friends, like Tigger and Tux. The average age was old, these were seniors; many of the people were too. Yet there they were; each one of them thankful.

Almost all have been together with their people since the day they were born. But vet care is beyond their reach, both financially and geographically. So we went to them, bringing along a mobile medical hospital outfitted with an exam room, surgical suite, lab equipment and even xrays. And we provided it all for FREE, including medications. What Dr. Robin and Dr. Melissa did yesterday is the stuff of legend. I am proud to be part of this great organization and honored to help the pets and the people who love them.

Thank you, to each and every one of you, for giving us this opportunity. Because everything that we do, we do together.

And this is why we Pongo.

Sit. Stay. Eat. Live.

***The Pongo Fund is Oregon’s Pet Food Bank. Because hungry people have hungry pets. Our award winning and volunteer driven group helps more animals than any other group in Oregon by providing high quality food and vital veterinary care for the family pets of anyone in honest need, keeping them safe, healthy and out of the shelters. 90,000 animals helped; 9,000,000 healthy meals provided. We would be honored if you SHARE this post so that others will also know of our good work***