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French Fry Friday

1-2014-08-29-19-58-51-fb-11-25-16This photo was taken when Scooby was 20. The fry was coming and he was ready. Look at that face, not a grey hair or wrinkle to be found. He clearly understood the secret of life. He didn’t let things bother him; even when they did, they didn’t. He took life in stride and enjoyed every minute. I wish he would have finished the book he was writing, because I think that’s where all the answers are. And one more thing. Even though his teeth may not look great, they really were. They were brushed daily and were in fantastic condition. It’s just that his many years on the street left him with some teeth that didn’t look beautiful. But he was beautiful. Inside and out, he really was. And nine months later, I still miss him like it was yesterday. Thank you for joining me for another French Fry Friday, it means a lot to me to be able to share these special memories with you.

Happy French Fry Friday from Scooby, The King of the Beagles.
In Memory of 150 year-old Scooby Chusid:
August 31, 1994 – February 14, 2016
Always Loved, Always Remembered.
Sit. Stay. Eat. Live.

***The Pongo Fund is Oregon’s Pet Food Bank. Because hungry people have hungry pets. We help more animals than any other group in Oregon by providing high quality food and vital veterinary care for the family pets of anyone in honest need, keeping them safe, healthy and out of the shelters. 90,000 animals helped; 9,000,000 healthy meals provided. We would be honored if you SHARE this post so that others will also know of our good work***