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Photos With Santa

2016-11-20-12-08-49-11-23-162016-11-20-13-21-25-lucy-beagle-15-fb-11-23-16Photos with Santa for The Pongo Fund this past weekend at Salty’s Pet Supply and Fang & Feather were too much fun! There was Louie and Lunabelle, Tyke, Hank, Archie and Marcel. Turtle and Vera and Jet Lee the Ninja dog. We met Sweet Lucy Beagle, Ginger and Pepper, Paisley and Shasta, Squirrel, Skylar, Bruno and Fiona too. There were dogs and cats in hats, sweaters and scarves; even some with knitted reindeer antlers. There were 117 dog and cat friends smiling for the camera, even a friendly T-Rex named Henry. And too many kiddos to count who joined in the fun, telling Portland’s Sweetest Santa what they wished for Christmas. And there was even a super happy chicken named Hodor, what a smile! Thank you to everyone who joined us, all for a good cause.

Special thanks to the fantastic crew at both Salty’s Pet Supply and Fang & Feather, and most of all, to Santa Nancy and Elftographer Matt. Next time you have a party, be sure to invite this group; you’re guaranteed a great time. We’ll follow up with more photos soon.

Sit. Stay. Eat. Live.

***The Pongo Fund is Oregon’s Pet Food Bank. Because hungry people have hungry pets. Our award winning and volunteer driven group helps more animals than any other group in Oregon by providing high quality food and vital veterinary care for the family pets of anyone in honest need, keeping them safe, healthy and out of the shelters. 90,000 animals helped; 9,000,000 healthy meals provided. We would be honored if you SHARE this post so that others will also know of our good work***